When you stop whining about the problems you face and start showing gratitude for the ones you don't, happiness will arrive.

Success is not final, and failure is not deadly; what matters is the willingness to move forward.

You should only strive to improve upon the person you were yesterday.

Your current situation only determines where you start; it does not limit your options.

Never be apprehensive of change. It's possible to lose something worthwhile while gaining something superior.

If you don't, dreams won't come true.

Your decisions have an impact on your life. It's time to make better decisions if you don't like your life.

Consider the trip rather than the final destination. Not completing a task brings joy, but rather engaging in it.

Quit talking and start doing is the best approach to get going.

The opposite of an achievement that makes you arrogant is a mistake that makes you humble.

The opposite of an achievement that makes you arrogant is a mistake that makes you humble.

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