Here is a thorough overview of some of the most crucial tests that students must pass while intending to study abroad.

IELTS The IELTS test measures non-native speakers' competency in the English language and is widely recognised by colleges in English-speaking nations. The four modules are speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

TOEFL Universities mostly in the United States and Canada accept the TOEFL. It assesses a candidate's proficiency with English in academic settings.

GRE The GRE is a test that is necessary for admission to graduate programmes, primarily in the United States. It evaluates a candidate's abilities in verbal reasoning, analytical writing, and numeric reasoning.

GRE Important for individuals planning to enrol in MBA or equivalent business schools, The GMAT tests verbal, mathematical, integrated reasoning, and analytical writing abilities.

LSAT The LSAT tests the reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and critical thinking abilities of prospective law students. In the US and Canada, it is commonly utilised for law school admissions.

LSAT PTE is a certified test of English language proficiency by universities and colleges all around the world, comparable to IELTS and TOEFL.

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