In the world of empirical research, experiences that are beyond our comprehension are frequently excluded since phenomena demand repeatable verification. But since the 1970s, psychological advances have challenged this paradigm, providing evidence for reincarnation and the presence of a spiritual realm.

Here are seven works that bridge the gap between science and spirituality, written largely by psychologists and scholars and offering insights into life after death:

1. Many Lives, Many Masters' by Dr. Brian Weiss Documenting the journey from skepticism to belief in reincarnation through past-life regression therapy, this book offers a compelling blend of psychology and 'past-life regression' therapy, challenging conventional beliefs.

2. 'Life After Death' by Deepak Chopra This book questions accepted beliefs by arguing that death is a delusion and that the path of the spirit leads to enlightenment. It combines elements of classical philosophy, particle physics, and personal experience to investigate the prospects for life after death.

3. 'Life After Life' by Raymond A Moody Explore near-death experiences through very similar and uplifting narratives that transform our perception of mortality and the afterlife. The book offers a provocative look at what might be in store for us after this existence comes to an end.

4. ' Journey of Souls' by Dr. Michael Newton Discover the world of the afterlife through hypnosis as 29 accounts that reveal the wonders of the spirit world are presented. This book makes general claims about the afterlife and how it affects our choices in life and our ability to recover.

'5. 'The Laws of the Spirit' World by Khorshed Bhavnagri This book reveals untold realities about the paranormal realm while chronicling a family's spiritual journey following a horrific catastrophe. It investigates topics including the subconscious, ghosts, and the enchanted locations we visit both before and after death.

'6. "90 Minutes in Heaven' by Don Piper This book challenges our ideas of life and death by presenting a first-person description of a near-death experience. It also offers a glimpse into the heavenly world and the transformative power of such an encounter.

'7. "Proof of Heaven' by Dr. Eben Alexander Dr. Eben Alexander's conversion to religion following a near-death experience pushes the limits of what is considered to be science and what is considered to be faith. The book challenges accepted notions of life and death by arguing that dying is not the end and exploring interactions with the divine wellspring of the cosmos.

It has frequently been noted that reading books that have the potential to fundamentally alter one's worldview can make readers uneasy. Frequently, if people aren't prepared to process the content, they may find themselves constantly shelving or delaying reading such books for a variety of reasons.

In these situations, it is advised to try a read days, weeks, months, or even years later. Only read these influential works if you feel compelled to.